Wednesday, May 31, 2006

How to Generate 27 Qualified Subprime Mortgage Leads Per Day

Author: Hartley Pinn

There are several benefits to focusing on subprime mortgage leads. One good reason for generating subprime mortgage leads is that the borrowers are less likely to shop your offer. Also, the commissions on subprime mortgage loans can be quite lucrative.

I've found that one of the best ways to generate subprime mortgage leads is by direct mail.

So let's look at the steps involved in putting together a profitable direct mail campaign to generate subprime mortgage leads.

Prospect List

There are two sources I recommend for obtaining your mailing lists - list companies and credit agencies.

Here are two sample criteria to request from list companies in order to target subprime borrowers:

1) Get a list of home owners who have just filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy. Do a cash out refinance and pay off their chapter 13 bankruptcy.

2) Get a list of people who originated a loan with a subprime lender at least 2 to 5 years ago. Their pre payment penalty will be expired and they will be ready to refinance.

Here are two list ideas when working with a credit agency to obtain your subprime mortgage lead mailing list:

1) Find homeowners who need help with their finances. Get a list of homeowners who are currently 30 days late on their first mortgage loan. Or, get a list of home owners who have a certain number of consumer lates 30, 60, or 90 in the past 6 to 12 months.

2) Select borrowers with a low credit score. You select the credit score range based on your loan programs.

Combine these with other criteria to better target your prospects. Here are two more list criteria ideas:

1) Homeowners with $15K to $50K outstanding revolving debt 2) Properties that have an LTV of 80% or less

Mail Piece

Here are a few important basics you'll need to incorporate into your mail piece:

Personalized content

* Give sample payments. * Tell them how much money the new loan will save then monthly and over the next 5 years.

Tell them about your unique selling propositions (USP's)

* 1% mortgage loan options * No closing cost options * No payment for 2 months * Are they already approved? If so, let them know in the letter

Be sure to comply with the state banking regulations in your area. Include the following in your mail piece:

* Equal housing lender logo * State license number * Disclose APR's

Share some personal information about yourself under your signature

Your title Years in the mortgage business Awards you've received Degrees or certifications you've earned Hobbies Interests

Here are examples:

Your Signature

Your Name

Senior Mortgage Planner 10 Years Mortgage Experience Licensed Financial Planner Married with 3 children Single mother of two Youth basketball coach

To get a complementary refinance letter that has produced more than $2,500,000 in mortgage commissions over the last 12 months visit:

Use Split Testing to Improve Your Conversion Rates

Now that you have a list of prospects and a mail piece, it's time to mail. The secret to direct mail success is testing. If you test different elements of your direct mail campaign, you will find ways to increase conversion rates. Over time, you will have a mail campaign that will generate huge returns.

How to conduct Split Testing

Instruct your printer to separate your list into 3 groups:

1) Group 1 will be 80% of your list 2) Group 2 will be 10% of your list 3) And group 3 will consist of the last 10% of your list 4) Make sure the groups are randomly selected


1) Mail your original letter to group 1 2) Make ONE very small change to the original letter and mail it to group 2 3) Then, make another very small change to the original letter and mail it to group 3 4) Track your results and see which version of the letter had the highest number of calls, applications, loans originated and loans funded. 5) Make the winner your original letter and start all over again

Do you see what you have just done? It's called split testing. If you do this consistently, you can continue to increase your conversion rate, get more leads, fund more loans and make more money!

Here are some ideas for changes:

* Use a website address instead of a phone number * Use a website address with a phone number * Add a heading * Change one paragraph. * Experiment with the PS * Offer a coupon or something for free (appraisal, processing, etc) * Add Red Headlines to your letter * Use different envelopes * Talk about different and unique USP's

Be sure to only make one small change at a time. If you make massive changes you won't know what specific change affected your conversion rate.

Don't underestimate the power of this testing. If you mail 2,500 letters a week, a 1% increase in response will give you an extra 25 calls per week. That's an extra 100 calls per month. At a measly 10% conversion rate, that's an extra 10 loans per month.

That could easily equate to an extra $50,000 to $90,000 in commissions every month!

I am confident that a strong direct mail campaign will help you generate more subprime mortgage leads. Try these tips and you'll be amazed at your results!

Please feel free to reprint this article as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

Hartley Pinn has recently created the ""Mortgage Leads Generator"" Training Course to teach mortgage loan officers 10 proven strategies for generating more than 71 mortgage leads per day.

About the author: As a top producing mortgage loan officer, Hartley Pinn has been actively testing, researching, and evaluating lead generation strategies since 1995.

Mr. Pinn has written several articles on the subject and has recently created the ""Mortgage Leads Generator"" Training Course to teach new and experienced mortgage loan officers how to generate a five to six figure monthly income while cutting their work schedule down to only 10 hours a week.

Lake Norman Mortgage Factors

Author: Lee Sharpe

So you've been looking at

Lake Norman Homes for sales in the real estate section,dreaming about your next

Lake Norman mortgage and Lake Norman brick home. Chances are, no matter what part of Charlotte Mecklenburg you call home now or what you're looking for, you're horrified by the prices in many of the cases. Sure, the economy may have slowed down, but the real estate market is still going strong. In fact, in many hot markets Like North Carolina and Florida moving seems almost out of the question for many renters

When thinking about a Lake Norman Mortgage broker and the Lake Norman Home loans he can acquire for you, It isn't, of course how much home you need or want, but how much you can afford based on two things: How much you can borrow and how much down payment can you muster. The two are interrelated, and this is the type of thing a professional Charlotte mortgage consultant is for.

About the author:

Lee Sharpe of STS Financial is a

Huntersville Mortgage Broker providing Charlotte home loans with 100% financing options for and mortgages for all of North Carolina. STSFC is you

Lake Norman Mortgag

Texas Mortgage Loans

Author: Max Baba

Texas Mortgage Loans

Texas Mortgage Loans with Savings Road-The Path to the Ideal

Mortgage Loans

Buying your own house is a dream that we all foster. And to fulfill this dream, you might have to get your finances in order and apply for a mortgage loan. Put in simple terms,

Mortgage Loans are loans that are secured by the real estate that the loan is allowing the buyer to purchase. There are many confusing and complicated facts and figures involved in deciding which loan suits you best and further in applying for a loan. There are numerous options available, and to judge what fits your requirements best might be a daunting task. The terms of mortgage loans for different loans are different; in fact home buyers have access to different types of mortgage loans and a number of lenders who offer different packages and terms. At the same time, the functioning and legal effect of mortgage loans varies somewhat from state to state. We at Savings Road can provide access to information on mortgage loans in different places including information on Texas mortgage loans and can further assist you in picking the mortgage loans that are perfect for you.

A word of caution

With so many different types of mortgage loans and cheap mortgage loans available, a borrower planning to invest in Texas such as the Houston real estate market, the borrower may just get overwhelmed and consider a loan program that sounds simple and familiar. Also with the so many options available for the Houston real estate market, from single house homes to condominiums, a borrower might not know what Texas mortgage loans to pick. At the same time, a Texas home mortgage loan lender in the Houston real estate area might take advantage of the situation by only enumerating the benefits of the mortgage loans that he offers. He might avoid discussing the disadvantages of the Texas mortgage loan touching the Houston real estate in question. As a result, a borrower might get taken in and actually end up picking the wrong mortgage loan.

Numerous options for Texas mortgage loans

Applying for a Texas home mortgage loan or a mortgage loan for any other area can be both stressful and exciting. The options available for mortgage loans Texas are numerous, at the same time the packages for Texas home mortgage loan offered by lenders are also one better than the other. As a result, taking a decision regarding a Texas mortgage loan can be difficult for a first time borrower or even for a person considering refinancing their home. To simplify the process of selecting mortgage loans Texas that are ideal for your requirements, our experts take your financial situation into consideration, analyze it and then advise you on the Texas mortgage loans that are ideal for you.

There are a number of different factors that need to be considered when you apply for a Texas mortgage loan be it for Houston real estate, or a loan for any other area in Texas. Just picking cheap mortgage loans might not be the best choice that you make. At the end of it, it is the long term effect that the Texas mortgage loan taken for the Houston real estate property will have on your financial stability that determines whether it is right for you or not. We at Savings Road provide expert advice on your Texas home mortgage loan that can help you in making the correct decision. You can garner information from our experts who specialize in mortgage loans Texas. These experts tailor information specifically according to your needs, goals and budget on the basis of the knowledge that they possess about mortgage loans Texas. As a result, with the vast knowledge and information presented, you can take a decision regarding the

mortga ge loans Texas that suit you the best.

Proper guidance to secure the ideal loan

We at Savings Road can help you in putting things in the right perspective and on the basis of our knowledge can help you in understanding the different types of mortgage loans that are available. We can also help you in narrowing down to mortga ge loans that would be ideal for you while also providing information on the cheap mortgage loans available from different lenders.

If you are planning to invest in real estate anywhere or for that matter even in the Housto n real estate market, you can contact us online and we would assist you in the best possible way. We can provide helpful tips, guidance and information on advantages and disadvantages on different types of mortgage loans, cheap mortgage loans, Texas mortgage loans, Houston real estate and generic mortgage loans offered by different lenders. Our information is unbiased and is aimed only at assisting you to get the right mortgage loans.

Useful Readings

Low Interest Mortgage Rates

Austin Texas Mortgage Rates

Texas Mortgage Loans

Chicago Real Estate

Mortg age Broker Texas

C ommercial Mortgage Loans

Refinance Loan

Texas Mortgage Rates

M ortgage Loan Real Estate

Ref inance Mortgage Rate

Te xas Mortgage Refinance

Mortgag e Rates

Home Loans

Dallas Home Loan

About the author:

Max Baba is the founder & CEO of , a leading Residential and Commercial Mortgage Brokerage company. He has about 11 years of experience in the real estate arena, ranging from financing to legal consulting, utilizing both his finance degree and law degree.

Subprime Mortgage Loans - 3 Questions To Ask Your Subprime Mortgage Broker

Author: Carrie Reeder

Subprime mortgage brokers offer a variety of mortgage loan packages from different lending companies. They can find financing for almost anyone, regardless of their credit score. Even though brokers offer a valuable service, you still need to ask questions to be sure you are getting the best deal.

1. What Is Your Fee?

Before you begin working with a subprime mortgage broker, ask how they are getting paid. Sometimes they charge you an upfront fee, other times they are paid by the mortgage company.

Upfront fees don't guarantee you the best deal, but they do reduce the broker's reliance on mortgage companies' fees. Instead of looking at who offers them the best payoff, they are looking at your interest.

Fees paid by the mortgage company can still mean you find a good deal. Most brokers are able to negotiate lower rates for you, so you still come out ahead. Using this type of broker also allows you to work with a couple of brokers, making sure you find the best deal.

2. What Are The Loans Fees?

Even when brokers present you with rate quotes, take the time to look at fees and points. The APR should include both the rates and fees. It is required to be disclosed before signing a contract so you can make a real comparison. Sometimes the lowest rate loan has the highest closing fees and isn't the best deal.

The rates presented to you are somewhat flexible. You can reduce them by paying more points or increasing your down payment. Points only make sense if you plan on keep the loan for a number of years.

3. Are There Early Payment Fees Or Other Clauses?

Also check for early payment or other fees. Subprime mortgages are often refinanced when your credit score improves. Check to see if you can pay a point to waive the early payment fee if you plan to refinance.

Some subprime lenders will automatically refinance your loan for better rates after two years. This can save you thousands on later refinancing costs. Just like any loan offer, check the rates with other packages.

About the author: View our recommended lenders for ho me loans for people with bad credit .

How To Save Thousands On A Mortgage Or Any Other Loan

Author: David Berky

Interest on the average home mortgage will cost the homeowner nearly TWO TIMES the cost of the home.

If you were to purchase a $150,000 home with a $120,000 mortgage (80%), and you paid an interest rate of 9% for 30 years, you will have paid over $227,500 just in interest (in addition to the original $120,000). That's nearly two times the cost of the home!

A credit card debt of $7000 (now the average) at 18% being paid at the rate of $20 principal plus interest each month will take over 29 YEARS to pay off, almost as long as a home mortgage. Interest charged on this credit card debt will top $18,400, more than 2.6 TIMES the original debt!

If you work for a living, you know that when you are not working, you are not getting paid. But interest never gets sick, never takes a vacation and never sleeps. It is working against you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, each and every day of the year.

So what can you do?

You may not be able to pay off your debts or mortgage now. You may not have enough equity in your home for a loan. You may not be able to afford the refinancing costs or home equity loan costs. You may not be able to lower your credit card interest rates.

But you can make additional or extra payments.

So how does making an extra payment help lower your interest charges? Is it going to make next month's bill smaller? You can't scrape together too much for an extra payment so how is just $10 going to help when you owe tens of thousands?

The secret is in making early and consistent extra payments. For example, on the home mortgage shown above, if you pay an additional $100 each month you will save over $82,000 in interest payments. Not only that, but you will also have your home paid off nine years and two months earlier. You knock nearly 10 years off your mortgage just by paying an extra $100 a month.

How does that work?

Well, that $100 extra you pay the first month would have cost you about $270 in interest to borrow for 30 years. Since you have paid it already, you can reduce your last mortgage payment by $270. The next month's extra payment will reduce your last mortgage payment by $268. Each month as you pay that extra $100, your final mortgage payment will be reduced until you won't need to make a final payment, then the second to last payment, then third to last and so forth. Soon you will have shaved years and thousands of dollars in interest charges off your mortgage.

That's great, but maybe you can't spare $100 each month. How about $50, $25, or even $10? An additional payment of $50 each month will save you five years and seven months and about $52,000 dollars. $25 each month will cut your time by three years and three months saving you about $30,000. Just $10 a month will reduce your time by one year and three months and save you over $13,500.

Every little bit helps. Some months you may only be able to add $10 to your payment; some months you may be able to add $200. And this applies to interest on credit card payments or any other kind of debt repayment. Paying down as much of the principal (or amount you owe) each month will help reduce the interest you are charged and the length of time it takes to pay off the debt.

So why don't the credit card companies charge you more of the principal each month?

How would you like to be making 18% on an investment? Wouldn't you want this investment to last as long as possible? Of course! So do the credit card companies. They are happy for you to pay off your balance, but even more excited for you to keep paying them that 18% interest.

There are some other interest tips and tricks.

- One trick your mortgage company may have played on you is to include a prepayment penalty in your mortgage. If you try to pay off your mortgage early they may actually charge you for doing so. Or they may only apply part of your payment to the principal and take the rest as a ""service charge.""

- Make sure when you make an additional payment that you send a check separate from your monthly mortgage payment with instructions that the amount is to be applied toward the principal of your loan. Otherwise they may just apply it towards next month's payment and still charge you the interest.

- Generally you will not have this problem with credit card companies. But watch out for late payments or going over your credit limit. They may then use these ""rule infractions"" as cause to raise your rate to over 25%!

- If you are looking to refinance your mortgage, look for a mortgage that lets you pay on a bi-weekly basis. Since many people receive a bi-weekly paycheck this also makes it easier to budget your money. If you are paying every two weeks you will make an additional monthly payment each year (26 bi-weekly payments vs. 12 monthly payments). Also, because you are paying the principal down every two weeks rather than every month your interest charges will be reduced.

You CAN take control of your interest charges. Make those extra monthly payments. The feeling of being debt-free will far outweigh the temporary pleasure of that burger, movie or new DVD-player.

About the author: © Simple Joe, Inc. David Berky is president of Simple Joe, Inc. One of Simple Joe's best selling products is Simple Joe's Money Tools - a collection of 14 personal finance and investment calculators . This article may be freely distributed so long as the copyright, author's information and an active link (where possible) are included.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

11 Deadly Mistakes When Applying for a Mortgage

Author: Scot Krueger

11 Deadly Mistakes When Applying for a Mortgage

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""...avoid disappointment and SAVE thousands by taking a few minutes to acquaint yourself with these potential mistakes..""

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Not Knowing How Much Money You Can Put Down It’s important to know how much you can afford to pay in down payment and closing costs when you apply for your mortgage. The more you put down the better rates and terms you’re likely to get. At the same time you also need to stay within your means and comfort level.

Working With A Mortgage Broker Who Has A Poor Performance Record Industry insiders know that the most common reason that a sale fails to go through is that the mortgage fails to go through. Ask your mortgage broker about her/his performance guarantee.

Not Understanding The Process Most of us don’t shop for a mortgage very often. As a result it isn’t something we become familiar with. Work with a mortgage broker who will take the time to answer your questions and uses terms you understand.

Working With A Lender Who has Only One Investor Not all lenders have a range of options when it comes to investors. What if that investor doesn’t offer the type of mortgage you need? Or worse yet, what if you need to change loan products after you’ve started the process? Working with a mortgage broker who has many investors enables you to address these issues without starting the process over again.

Making Large Purchases Prior to Your Mortgage Application Many people think that it is in their best interest to get large purchases completed prior to applying for their mortgage. As total debt is a key component in determining the amount of home you qualify for it is best to wait until after your home purchase has closed to make such purchases.

Over Shopping Your Loan Each time you call a lender seeking the best possible rate and terms you have your credit report pulled. Every time your credit report is pulled you risk decreasing your credit score and thus possibly decreasing the likelihood of getting the best rate and terms. Experts recommend that you select a mortgage broker with a number of investors and do your shopping with her/him.

Hiding Things From Your Mortgage Broker Most of us have experienced times of financial difficulty at some point. While it can be embarrassing to discuss issues like this, your mortgage broker is there to help you get loan approved despite such issues. Your mortgage broker can only help you with those things with which s/he is aware.

Making Late Payments Late payments, especially those within the last year, can be very detrimental to getting the best rate, terms and even the difference of being approved at all. While this might seem like unnecessary advice, ALWAYS pay on time.

Over Using Credit Cards Credit cards are a convenient way to make purchases, but if not paid off or balances kept low you might find it more difficult to get the best rates and terms on your mortgage. Keeping your total debt as low as possible helps you get the mortgage that best meets your specific needs.

Cosigning On Someone Else’s Loan While it can be a great service to a friend or loved one, signing to guarantee someone else’s loan is often a big head ache for the cosigner. Before cosigning you decide if you’re willing and/or able to assume the liability.

Not Getting All The Facts It is important to learn the total cost of your mortgage loan, both at closing and for the life of the loan. While mortgages can look a lot alike there can be subtle differences which can save or cost you thousands of dollars. Get all the facts and know what to expect.

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Mortgage regulations have changed significantly over the last few years, making your options wider than ever. Subtle changes in the way you approach mortgage shopping, and even small differences in the way you structure your mortgage, can cost or save you literally thousands of dollars and years of expense.

Get the Right Information - Whether you are about to buy your first home, or are planning to make a move to your next home, it is critical that you be informed about the factors involved.

Everyday people have their mortgage loan turned down because of one or more of these mistakes. By taking these few minutes to acquaint yourself with the ""11 Deadly Mistakes When Applying For A Mortgage"" you can save thousands on your mortgage.

About the author: Mortgage professional for the past 5 years. Helping people find the right mortgage for their individual needs. Specializing in Zero Down purchases thru out the United States

Can I Sell My Private Mortgage Notes?

Author: Afra AmirSanjari

In this country millions of homes are sold every year. In most cases buyers go to a bank or finance company to seek mortgage financing.

In some cases, 200,000 in the U.S., home buyers rely on the seller rather than a financial institution to provide financing because:

• The purchaser may not qualify for a traditional mortgage. • The purchaser may be a relative looking to save on closing fees. • The seller may be interested in having a long-term income stream.

Often the seller is pressured into providing financing for the purchaser instead of receiving a lump sum. This forces the seller to assume the role of a mortgage company, worrying about servicing and collecting a monthly income stream. A stream, which may or may not be consistent, depends on the payer's ability to meet their monthly obligations.

Peacock Capital provides an option to note holders nationwide who are ready to sell their homes and use the equity for their own purposes.

We will purchase the note for a lump sum and collect the monthly checks. No more worrying about the ""Check is in the mail"" Or, ""Will they stop paying, forcing a foreclosure?"" Or, ""Has my buyer kept up with their insurance payments?"" Etc.

About the author: Afra AmirSanjari is the Principal for Peacock Capital. Peacock Capital specializes in solving the cash flow challenges of Small/Medium Businesses, Government Vendors and Individuals with innovative financial solutions by providing a network for securing operating capital. m

Mortgage cycling - second mortgage

Author: kigo kare

Did you know it's possible to build a minimum of $40,000 in home equity, and pay your mortgage off in 10 years or less without making biweekly mortgage payments?

Fortunately, for you as a homeowner this is entirely possible.

Let me explain how: After 4 years of research, I've developed a simple mortgage reduction program that will quickly build your home equity and pay your mortgage off faster than any other mortgage reduction strategy available...without changing your current mortgage and without the use of a biweekly mortgage plan.

You're probably thinking it sounds too good to be true...And I completely understand your skepticism. But please allow me to further explain my credentials and show you exactly how your mortgage can be reduced through Mortgage Cycling. Imagine having $40,000 in cash to finally remodel your old kitchen into that beautiful chef style kitchen you've always wanted...the one with granite countertops, and beautiful stainless steel report enables you to do this. More than likely, you'll have built enough equity with this plan to remodel more than just your kitchen...maybe your entire house needs a facelift or even add a swimming pool.

The possibilities are endless... and the best part is, not only does this make your home more attractive and comfortable, but also increases its overall value.

About the author: Online real estate consultant.

An Infinity Mortgage ?

Author: Jenny Barclay

Here in Spain the concept of a mortgage period of 20 or 25 years is something new. The general feeling by the banks is that want their money back more quickly than banks in countries in which they are accustomed to longer periods. The borrowers are also accustomed to the idea that the guiding principle is to pay off the mortgage as quickly as possible.

First Timers

The problem for all those people starting out on the property ladder is the amount of money that has to go out each month to put the roof over one’s head. At least this is true for the early years, but not necessarily as the4 years go by, since the advent of inflation. Cases that we studied showed e.g a couple, whose monthly income was £400, having to pay £150 per month in mortgage payment. Although the interest fluctuations since then have meant varying payments, as a percentage of their current monthly income of £2,000 per month, the mortgage does not now seem so horrendous.

Varying interest rates

The mistake made by many lenders in boom times is to conveniently forget the possible variation in interest rates during the early years. While a doubling of the payment in the case mentioned above would not be a disaster now, had it occurred during the early years it could have lead to foreclosure, and them losing their dream home. In our study we found various examples of interest rates going from 3% to 16% in very short periods of time. Maybe the lenders should have insisted on doing the relevant calculations, assuming a high rate, to check if the borrowers could afford the payment during the first few years in the event of this occurring. Asking the potential borrower would not necessarily have produced a sensible result, as many that we spoke to said, “It’s OK, we’ll manage somehow.” Unfortunately, for thousands of borrowers, this turned out not to be the case. One case showed an initial payment of £269 per month, on an income of £800 per month, which ballooned to £690 per month on an income of £900 per month, with devastating consequences.

How long a repayment period ?

Many years ago, a borrower, my father, tried to convince lenders of the idea of a much longer repayment period. In fact so long that he gave the idea the name, infinity mortgage. The idea was to pay the interest, at whatever the actual rate would be, but not to repay the capital. Naturally in the staid world of banking this fell on deaf ears, and several so called bankers laughed at the idea. Eventually he was able to persuade an institution to go ahead with his proposal, and he purchased a house. He is now nearing retirement and still has not paid off the mortgage, and continues to pay the interest. He is happy with the idea that, when we inherit the house, we will have to pay off the capital, and so are we.

The current position ?

The house is now valued at £280,000. My father’s income is £5,300 per month. And the mortgage payment ? The last time we spoke of the matter it was the mighty sum of £7.92 per month. The capital to be repaid ? The not insignificant amount of £1,900.

Whether your local currency is pounds sterling, euros or dollars, the principle is still the same. While the motivation at the time, as a penniless masters student, was to keep every payment down to a minimum, the capital repayment would not exactly have broken the bank once a few years had gone by. When he reached the point of what would have been the normal repayment period, and received advice from all and sundry that perhaps he might slip into the bank with a bit of loose change, and pay off the capital, he declined. He rather liked the idea of his infinity mortgage being just that, or at least being with him until his death. In that he will succeed, you know what some of these old folk are like.

© Jenny Barclay

About the author: Jenny Barclay majored in math. and economics, and obtained a masters in viability of banking institutions. She is currently studying Spanish in Andalucia, Spain. This article may be reproduced on websites subject to credit being given to the author, and a link to her website.

Apartment in Fuengirola for sale

Monday, May 29, 2006

97% Of American Homeowners Overpay Their Lender In Mortgage Interest Every Month.

Author: Craig Romero

97% Of American Homeowners Overpay Their Lender In Mortgage Interest Every Month. If you own a home, have just re-financed or are shopping for a mortgage, you’ll be outraged. Housing: Americans across the country were shocked to hear of a new poll that states 97% of homeowners here in America are overpaying millions of dollars each month in mortgage interest.

The National poll was conducted last month to determine how many homeowners take advantage of the prepayment loophole in our mortgage system, which eliminates costly interest overpayments.

The shocking results showed only 3% of America’s homeowner population utilize this loophole and take advantage of the valuable benefits created by it.

When Sean Drover, a Chicago businessman and homeowner found out he was overpaying $217 in mortgage interest every month, he was appalled. “Honestly, I was sick to my stomach when I thought back on all the monthly payments I’d made. If I would have known about the pre-payment loophole when I first bought my home I could have put all that money into equity instead of my lenders pocket.”

The problem lies with what the banking industry calls “front loading”. This is when the majority of a homeowner’s payment is applied towards the interest on the loan instead of the original amount borrowed.

The disturbing fact about front loading is it ensures you’ll pay over three times the original amount borrowed. Thus, resulting in enormous profits coming straight out of your pocket and directly into your lenders.

… Most people (97%) never stop and take a good look at how damaging the system really is. Unfortunately, it’s just the way conventional mortgages are structured here in America.

Average Homeowner overpays $60,000

In fact, the average homeowner in America is overpaying $2000 in mortgage interest every year, or $60,000 over the life of the mortgage.

“That’s an enormous amount of money”. Says top mortgage analyst, Craig Romero. “This is money that homeowners are needlessly giving away each year. Imagine what a person could do with an extra $60,000.

While gaining back thousands of dollars from these overpayments is a huge benefit, it’s not the only one. Cutting up to 10 years from the term of a traditional mortgage is also another major advantage.

“I’ve been using the prepayment loophole for years”. Says Denver homeowner, Curtis Landau. “I’ve actually been able to remodel my home and pocket about $25,000…all from the equity that was built so quickly.”

Americans must understand this prepayment loophole isn’t something lenders are eager to share with their customers. If they did, they would risk taking a huge cut in profits.

With over 50 million mortgages in force, it’s estimated Americans overpay their lenders in excess of $12 billion every year. It’s no wonder this loophole is kept secret…lenders are undoubtedly getting rich off these interest overpayments.

Written by Craig Romero To see how well the prepayment loophole will work for you please enter his site at: Craig Romero is an author and mortgage analyst dedicated to helping homeowners maximize the investment in their homes. ______________________________________________________

About the author: About Craig Romero:

To see how the well the prepayment loophole will work for you, please enter Craig's site at: Craig Romero is an author and mortgage analyst dedicated to helping homeowners maximize the investment in their homes.

5 Things In Selecting The Best Mortgage You Should Know

Author: Paul Kellum

Your goal is not only to find the best rates and programs, by searching through a huge number of lenders products, and save yourself thousands of dollars on mortgage payments every year, but also, to save time and hassle by simplifying the loan process and reducing the paperwork. Here are some things you can keep in mind when selecting a mortgage provider.

1. Shop For Rates

You should get instant online free quotes, and be able to apply securely online.

2. Apply Online

Be able to use a secure online application and let a qualified loan specialist help you find the best loan program.

3. Get Prequalified

Find out how much money you can borrow for your next home purchase!

4. Get Pre-Approved

Get free, no obligation pre-approved commitment letter that you qualify.

5. Loan Processing And Approval

This is when your loan is processed, goes through underwriting and final approval.

Taking these steps will be in you best interest to secure a mortgage that will benefit you and your family. It will also help to save you money.

Paul Kellum represents a full service mortgage broker / banker with a track record of over 10 years. We service loans relating to residential properties, including purchases, refinance, home equity loans, and home equity line of credit (HELOC), and debt consolidation. You can search and securely apply for the program that best fits your client's financial needs:

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This article is shareware. Give this article away for free on your site, or include it as part of any paid package as long as the entire article is left intact including this notice. Copyright © 2004 Paul Kellum.

About the author: Paul Kellum represents a full service mortgage broker / banker with a track record of over 10 years. We service loans relating to residential properties, including purchases, refinance, home equity loans, and home equity line of credit (HELOC), and debt consolidation:

A Different Kind Of Mortgage Broker

Author: Craig Romero

There's a different kind of mortgage broker on the block and they're giving conventional mortgage brokers a run for their money. With today's current economy, consumers have to be as budget conscious as ever, and it's showing in every consumer decision they make - including shopping for a mortgage.

Gone are the days where the consumer waits with baited breath as to whether or not the corner mortgage broker can find financing for the home they want to buy. Say hello to today's new mortgage seeker; the one who has lenders competing for their business, makes educated lending choices and is making upfront mortgage brokers more popular than ever.

So what is an upfront mortgage broker? The main difference between an upfront mortgage broker and a conventional mortgage broker is that an upfront mortgage broker discloses their fees to the borrower up front and in writing. The borrower will pay the broker a fee in addition to paying the wholesale loan price. With conventional mortgage brokers, borrowers don't know the true cost of the loan until after the application has been submitted. The conventional lenders add a markup to the wholesale rate of the mortgage to make their profit. While on the surface it may seem like the prices quoted by upfront mortgage brokers compared to the quotes received by conventional lenders would not be the wise choice, don't be fooled.

The quotes you get from an upfront mortgage broker will be an accurate reflection of what you're really going to pay. Just because a conventional mortgage broker promises you the moon, does not mean that he can actually deliver it. There are other reasons that have conscious consumers choosing upfront mortgage brokers over the traditional conventional brokers.

While conventional mortgage brokers don't always have the best interests of their customers in mind, upfront mortgage brokers gain nothing by providing their borrowers with anything other than the mortgage that best suits their needs. There are also times when mortgage brokers are given rebates by third parties.While a conventional broker may keep this rebate as a part of their profit, an upfront mortgage broker will always pass this rebate on to the borrower.

With consumers appreciating honesty and no-nonsense approaches when dealing with their lending needs, upfront broker methods may just change the face of mortgage lending forever.

About the author: Discover how to quickly build a minimum of $40,000 worth of home equity and pay your mortgage off in 10 years or less without making biweekly mortgage payments. Visit:

Craig Romero is an author and mortgage analyst dedicated to helping homeowners maximize the investment in their homes.

Internet & mortgage calculations

Author: Jakob Jelling

By Jakob Jelling

“You’ve been approved!” The words you have always wanted to hear when you filled out the home loan application. It swirls through your mind the opportunities and memories you will cherish in your new home. Before you even start shopping for a home it is best to understand in real terms what you can afford. Your income level may make it tight for you every month to make the mortgage payment if you purchase too much home. You may wish to know how much the home may cost you before you sign your contract. So you will need to be a financial calculator to figure out the monthly paper in real-terms. There is an easier way. The Internet has become the best place for mathematical equations and there are some great websites that will do the figures for you should you know the absolute basics of the transaction. Here are some of the factors that can help you determine what your monthly interest rate will be:

- Amount of home - Percentage of interest - Duration of loan (5, 15 or 30 years) - Down payment - Insurance (percentage of loan) - Start date of the loan

Sites like and provide free online calculators. Save yourself time and frustration trying to determine the monthly payment when these programs offered free work well. Some of the calculators can also factor in extra payments to your schedule and will show the end result savings. An amortization schedule is also provided to show you how your payments over the thirty years reduce your liability and increase your equity in the property.

Most mortgage lenders will give you a maximum you can afford and should be within a few dollars of the actual dollar amount should you ask them for the monthly payment calculated. Your being comfortable with the mortgage payment will help you recognize your monthly commitment to the property. There is a lot more involved than just making the payment to the mortgage, utilities, upgrades and other expenses come into play when factoring in all your overall commitment.

About the author: Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest on personal finance, debt elimination, budgeting, credit cards and real estate.

How Good a Deal Is Your Bank's Mortgage Insurance Plan?

Author: Ivon T. Hughes

When you go to the bank to get a mortgage, you'll inevitably be asked to take out mortgage insurance. The idea behind mortgage insurance is simply that if something happens to you or your spouse then your loan will be paid off which is good news for your family and the bank. Most financial institutions act like they are doing you a favor by offering you mortgage insurance through their own group plan, but are they?

The truth is that you could probably get a much better deal and at least an equal amount of protection by shopping around for your own insurance policy.

Essentially, mortgage insurance is no different than term-life insurance. With both, your policy only lasts for a specified period of time and pays its benefits if something happens to you or your spouse. The real difference comes down to how much control you'll have over your policy and how much you'll pay for it.

If you choose to use the mortgage insurance offered by the bank, you will not be able to customize a policy to fit your needs and you'll be lumped together with other borrowers under a group plan. Because of this, you will only have limited control over your policy. For example, through a third party provider, you would be able to choose your own beneficiary, decide how to spend the proceeds if necessary, and cancel the policy at any time. You would not have these options with a lending institution.

Additionally, the bank maintains the right to not renew your policy and to cancel the policy when you sell the house. If you find your own insurance provider, you can make those decisions yourself.

The other big difference is cost. A third party insurance policy's premiums will not go up, so you would pay the same premium today that you'd pay ten years from now. You won't get that same guarantee from a bank which can and probably will increase your premiums during the life of the policy. In most cases, you'll probably pay more through a bank anyway. In fact, you could pay as much as 40% more than you would if you shopped around and found your own insurance provider. Not to mention that the policy you take out through your bank will gradually decrease in value while a plan you select from an outside source will be worth the same amount during the entire policy period.

Of course, many people don't mind paying more for their mortgage insurance because it's more convenient than dealing with insurance agents. The truth is that you can easily find a policy that fits your needs and provides affordable premiums via the Internet. An organization, such as the Hughes Trustco Group, can even generate quotes for you from multiple insurance providers so you'll know that you're receiving the best deal possible on the policy you want.

The bottom line is that mortgage insurance is important and should be part of your home buying or refinancing preparations, but that does not mean you need to pay more or let the bank make important decisions for you. Instead, you should find your own personal plan from a third party provider which will let you stay in control of your policy and will save you money in the long run.

About the author: Ivon T. Hughes, The Hughes Trustco Group Ltd. Canadian Insurance Broker - Get a FREE Quote TODAY! Tel: (514)842-9001 Email: Web:

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bad Credit Home Mortgage Refinance - Should You Refinance

Author: Carrie Reeder

A bad credit home mortgage refinance is possible for people with previous credit problems. The interest rates will not be as low as those for consumers with good credit but you can still end up saving in the end.

There are several questions you should ask yourself when considering a home mortgage refinance. First of all you need to access your credit situation. If credit has been a problem for you in the past, you will want to take control of your finances before applying for a mortgage refinance loan. Refinancing can either help or hinder your current situation.

You will need to calculate all of the costs involved in refinancing before making a decision. A lower rate of interest and a shorter loan payoff time are two desirable perks of refinancing. Some people are only interested in lowering their monthly payment amount. However, you will need to remain in your home long enough to reap the benefits of refinancing. It makes no sense at all to refinance your home if you plan on moving within a few years. It is a good idea to figure how long it will take to recover the costs of refinancing. Some loans may offer a lower rate of interest but have excessive closing costs and fees. You will want to be aware of all costs involved including any additional income taxes you may be charged.

The Two Percent Rule

The two percent rule refers to your existing mortgage rate compared to current rates of interest. Many lenders recommend that you refinance if you can obtain an interest rate two percent less than your current rate. This is just a general rule and should not be the only deciding factor. Often the time you intend to remain in the home is just as important as the lower rate of interest.

On average the costs of refinancing will be at least three percent of your mortgage loan. This is a lot of money to spend and you will want to make sure you will be able to recover these costs when refinancing. If you are making payments on your first home and plan on buying a larger home in the future, a drop in the current interest rates may be the perfect time to purchase a new home. If you can obtain more home space for about the same price, this may be a desirable option.

About the author: View our recommended

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance lenders or view all of our

Recommended Refinance Lenders .

Mortgage Training: How to Triple Production While Cutting Your Office Hours in Half

Author: Hartley Pinn

Do you ever wonder where your time goes during the day? Well here is an eye opening mortgage training exercise you should try:

For one full day, write down what you are doing every 15 minutes. At the end of the day you will be amazed by how much time you spend doing ""non-dollar-productive"" activities.

Non-dollar-productive activities are activities you do day in and day out that make you zero money... Like walking to the fax machine or using the copier.

In this mortgage training article you'll discover how to walk into your office, do only what you enjoy doing for 2 to 4 hours and then go home. Would that improve your quality of life? Of course it would.

So how do you do that?

1) Make a list of the mortgage activities you want to do.

2) Make a list of everything you do not want to do.

3) Build a team of assistants to do all the things on your ""do not want to do"" list so you can spend all your time on the ""want to do"" items.

By the way, don't limit your lists to just business responsibilities. You can and should extend your ""do not want to do"" list to your personal life. You can hire a Personal Concierge to pick up your dry cleaning, wash your car, run errands, whatever.

Imagine how wonderful your life would be if you could spend every day only doing the things you enjoy most. That's what life is all about.

To summarize, the basic idea here is to delegate all of your duties so you can only spend your time doing what you like best.

Here's an example of how powerful this delegation process can be:

What if you were an excellent sales person - You loved selling loans. You arrange your schedule so you're in the office from 10:00am to 12:00pm, take lunch, and return to the office for your afternoon shift from 1:00pm to 3:00pm (this is called time blocking).

Your team does everything except make closing calls. So your job during the four hours you're in the office is to make closing calls. You make 10 closing calls, sell 8 - 9 loans, and go home for the day. You just made at least $24,000 in four hours and you're done for the day!

Mortgage training team building tips

Below you will find a few pointers for hiring your assistants.

The interview process:

* Do a phone interview before meeting in person

Describe the position and your expectations.

Are they currently employed?

If so, why are they leaving their current employer?

Schedule a face to face meeting.

* Conduct 3 separate interviews on 3 different days.

* Conduct your interviews at 3 different times of the day (early morning, noon, late afternoon). You want to see how these people function at different times of the day.

* Check 3 - 5 business references after the first interview. Personal references are easier to falsify. So be sure to call past employers.

* Give them a DISC test after the second interview. A DISC test is a personality profile that will give you valuable insight into whether or not this candidate would be a good fit for the position and for your team. To find one of these tests search for ""disc test"".

Well that's it. In order to maximize the effectiveness of this system, be sure to automate as many of your team's duties as possible. Use technology and team building to your advantage and watch your production sky-rocket while cutting your time in the office to 10 hours a week.

If you would like to discover 10 proven strategies for generating more than 71 qualified mortgage leads per day, please visit:

Please feel free to reprint this article as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

About the author: Visit Hartley Pinn's Mort gage Training Article Directory for a complementary mortgage lead generation e-course.

Bad Credit? Qualify Yourself For A Zero Down Mortgage Loan

Author: Nick Graziano

I decided to write this article today after closing a home purchase loan for a couple that had some major credit issues. They got into the house with ZERO down payment, and only had to bring $600 for the closing costs. Their situation was pretty bad, I’m talking about a bankruptcy 2 years ago, thousands of dollars in outstanding collections, charge-offs and debt to income ratio of 49%. By the way, we left all of their outstanding charge-offs and collections open which means they didn’t have to pay any of them off! So many think they won't be able to qualify for a mortgage loan. Many will keep thinking they can't qualify until they read this article.

My name is Nick Graziano and I have been employed as a Loan Officer for 5 years. I have experience originating conventional mortgage loans as well as sub-prime (non-conventional) residential mortgage loans. Many of the clients that I deal with have great credit (and know it) and have no problem getting a loan but then there are those with credit problems (and they know it too). The ones with great credit are the ones that are easy to close, get the best rates and all with minimal time involved on the part of myself.

But, this article is for those with credit problems, low income and those who cannot afford a down payment. I am going to show you how to qualify for a loan with ZERO down payment, and the only out of pocket expense will be less than $1,000 ( if any at all) to cover some of the closing costs. This is just an example of one particular loan program that I use but there are numerous others out there. I picked this loan program because it allows 100% financing down to a 575 credit score

I see it on a daily basis.

Everyone wants to own a home and those with credit problems are calling every mortgage company in the phone book and applying on every mortgage website out there. (And there are many out there). Only to find out later that every time a mortgage company pulls their credit, their credit score dropped a few points, or that the particular lender doesn’t originate the type of loan that you need. That is frustrating.

Step by Step

Here is where I show you how to qualify yourself for a zero down loan.

1.The first thing you need is your tri-merge credit score. I would be more that happy to suggest a few places on the internet that you could go to get your credit score but I don’t want this article to seem like an advertisement. So, the best thing to do is to do a search on for terms like “free credit reports”, or “tri-merge credit report”. Just make sure that you end up pulling a “tri-merge” credit report on yourself. A tri-merged credit report pulls your credit profiles from the 3 major credit reporting companies and merges it into 1 report. The nice thing about pulling your credit yourself is that it will NOT affect your credit score. Bookmark this page while you go get a copy of your credit report and then come back to see the additional steps.

2.What is your credit score? Most mortgage lenders will use the middle of the three scores. Example: Your credit scores are 576, 525, 599. In this case you would use the 576 credit score since it is not the lowest score and it is not the highest.

3.Is your middle credit score at least 575? If so, congratulations and move on to the next step. If your middle score is less than 575 you have some homework to do. You can either sign up with a credit repair company (“search for credit repair”) to try and remove some derogatory items on your credit which will raise your credit score OR you can try to acquire some credit to help re-establish your credit worthiness. The easiest way to re-establish your credit is by either getting a car loan or credit card designed to help re-establish your credit. Again search for “credit cards to re-establish credit”

4.Do you have a bankruptcy or foreclosure in your past? Has it been 2 years since it was discharged? If yes, move on to the next step! If not, unfortunately in most cases your bankruptcy or foreclosure will need to be discharged at least 2 years or you will need to have at least 5% down payment.

5.You will need to document 24 months of recent mortgage or rental history. If you rent from a property management company we will need a Verification Of Rent completed. The form will be supplied by your mortgage lender or broker. If you rent from a private landlord, you will need 24 months cancelled checks/ or money order receipts with no payments over 30 days late. Sorry, you cannot prove your rental history if you pay your landlord cash every month, unless they are a property management company. If you are unable to document your rental history there is a way around it. Get your credit report and look for the following: Do you have an active credit line on your credit report that has been open for at least 24 months? Has this credit line had any activity in the last 6 months? If so, move to the next step.

6.Look at your credit report. Do you have a credit line that has a 12 month history reporting? If so and as long as you have no more that 2x30 day late payments then move on to the next step.

7.Look at your credit report again. Do any of your credit lines have a high limit of at least $3,000. If so, move to the next step.

8.Now take one more look at your credit report. You will need 1 more additional open credit line reporting on your credit report. (It does not matter how long it has been open or how much the credit line is for).

Well, congrats! You made it this far which means that your credit might qualify for a Zero Down Payment Loan. The loan program you qualified for is subject to change and is subject to additional conditions. This article should not be construed as an advertisement to lend. These are the steps that I go through when trying to pre-qualify a client that has credit problems. There are many more factors to determine so please discuss this with a qualified mortgage professional.

You are probably asking yourself what you are supposed to do with the information that was given to you in this article. The first thing is to contact a few mortgage companies. Ask them if they have any zero down loan programs that will go down to a 575 credit score, or whatever your credit score is. Remember, you will need at least a 575 credit score to qualify for this particular loan program. Also, in order to minimize your out of pocket expense, ask your mortgage professional if the property seller is allowed to pay 6% of the purchase price towards closing costs. If so, you will need to remember to negotiate that into your purchase contract when you make an offer on a house.

About the author:

http://www.aaamortgagerate. com


Boost Your Business with a Commercial Mortgage

Author: David Miles

Long term commercial finance, in the form of a

commercial mortgage , offers many small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) the ability to invest in their business with new technology, new or refurbished premises, or increased stock levels.

In the past, it tended to be only larger organisations with a proven track record who could obtain commercial mortgages. A large number of younger/smaller businesses were unable to obtain this type of commercial finance and, as a result, many businesses have been forced to rely on expensive short term finance or left to use their owners' residential property as security.

Fortunately, this gap in the market is now being targeted by specialist commercial lenders who are willing to serve the commercial mortgage needs of SMEs and owner-managed businesses.

The problem

In the past, it has been difficult for small business borrowers, self-employed traders, and partnerships to raise commercial mortgage finance. This is because: Institutional lenders have focused on larger, corporate lending secured on the tenant covenant of investment properties. This sector is seen as being low risk and so has become a favourite of many traditional lenders. The lending criteria of many mainstream commercial lenders disqualify applicants who do not have three years' audited account, those without business plans, or those with a less than perfect credit history. As the UK workforce migrates more towards self-employment, greater flexibility is required from lenders to assess each case on its individual merits. Until recently, this flexibility has been hard to find. Similarly, in the past, the requirement for three years' accounts has been a barrier to new or young businesses.

The solution

To address these problems, a number of commercial mortgage lenders now offer commercial mortgages with some or all of the following features: Available to small owner managed limited companies, partnerships, and self-employed sole-traders Self-certification option - no need for three years' accounts Finance available for any purpose - no bank imposed restrictions Mortgage arrears, CCJs, IVAs, discharged bankruptcy all considered Same day indicative offers Completion in weeks, not months Transparent mortgage tracking Bank Base Rate Mortgage term of up to thirty years Advances from £50,000 up to £1.5m To find out more about how commercial finance could help you, whether you have an existing business or are just starting out, visit

Online Commercial Mortgages .


Copyright 2004 David Miles. You are welcome to reproduce this article on your website, so long as it is published ""as is"" (unedited) and with the author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. In addition, all links to external websites must be left in place.

About the author: David Miles edits a number of finance websites, including - a UK Personal Finance Portal .

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Mortgage Company Stops Foreclosure And Saves Family Home

Author: Keith Hunt

“A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it,” Bob Hope once quipped.

But if you going through a bad financial spell, you need an institution that will stand by you.

Our office received a call early one morning from a man desperate to save his home and needed foreclosure help. He was already 90 days late on his mortgage and desperately needed to refinance and pull out money to pay off enormous debts. He had just started a new job where he actually was making less money than before, and was in a real financial bind. His poor credit made it difficult for him to even qualify for a loan, let alone a low interest rate. To make matters worse, the next day he received a notice of default on his property. This man was worried that his family would have no place to live. He was reassured that we would save his home and help him through this difficult ordeal.

We began immediately researching ways to help this client and found a lender willing to work with him and save his home just in the nick of time. His mortgage payment stayed about the same and he was able to pay off more than $25,000 in other debts, which alleviated several hundred dollars in credit card payments every month. Most importantly, this man's house was saved and his family was in a much stronger financial position.

Banks tend to make loans that are risk-free to them. It is hard to imagine that any bank would have helped in this situation. But as a nationwide mortgage banker we have ongoing relationships with lenders that specialise in different types of loans. This knowledge saved a family home from certain foreclosure. is a nationwide home mortgage loan company, powered by Infiniti Mortgage Capital.

For immediate assistance to stop foreclosure please call toll free 1 888 483 2500

About the author: Camelot Marketing provides services to small to mid-range companies.

What Type Of Zero Down Mortgage Is Best For You?

Author: Matthew Allen

Below are 9 different types of zero down mortgage that you can qualify for. Each one has positive and negative aspects. Read and learn about which zero down mortgage will suit you best.

80/20: The 80/20 loan is simply an 80% first mortgage with a 20% second mortgage for a total of 100% financing. In other words you are getting two loans. This is the most common no down mortgage.

The positive aspect of this loan for a subpime borrower is that the interest is typically much lower than a 100% one loan.

This zero down mortgage is a beneficial loan for conforming borrowers because it will help you avoid mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance is an insurance policy that you pay and that is of no benefit to you. It simply protects the lender in case of default/foreclosure. Sub-prime loans almost never have mortgage insurance, but be sure to ask.

The negative side of this loan is that you will pay two different sets of closing costs, which could tack on an extra couple of thousand dollars.

Also many people are afraid of having to make two different payments. Have no fear. You are more or less paying the same amount as if it was one loan and typically they are due at the same time.

One final thing to think about is that the second mortgage interest rate will almost always be significantly higher than the first mortgages interest rate.

The seller can typically pay 3% of the purchase price of the home towards closing costs with a conforming loan. With a sub-prime loan the seller can typically pay 6% of the purchase price towards closing costs.

100% One Loan: This type of zero down mortgage is pretty straight forward. It is simply one loan for 100% financing of the purchase price.

Unfortunately sub-prime borrowers will typically pay a much higher interest rate than they would with the 80/20 home loan.

For conforming borrowers the down side is that you will pay mortgage insurance which can range from .55% to 1.94% of the loan amount. The benefit for conforming borrowers is that the interest rate will be lower over all since you will not have a second mortgage. Plus once you have 20% equity in the home you can get the mortgage insurance taken off.

The seller can typically pay 3% of the purchase price of the home towards closing costs with a conforming loan. With a sub-prime loan the seller can typically pay 6% of the purchase price towards closing costs.

2/28 or 3/27: This loan is a very common zero down mortgage for sub-prime borrowers but conforming borrowers can take advantage of this loan as well. This loan is an Adjustable Rate Mortgage also known as an ARM. What this means is that the loan’s interest rate is fixed for the first 2 to 3 years of the loan, and then is fully adjustable for the remaining years of the loan.

These loans have caps, meaning they can only fluctuate a fixed percentage per adjustment and have a max in the percentage that they can rise for the life of the loan.

A quick example of this would be as follows. Lets say you have a 2/28 loan and the interest rate is 7% with caps of 3% and 6%. So with the first cap being 3% it can only rise a maximum amount of 3% per adjustment. The second cap of 6% is that the interest rate can only rise by a maximum of 6% for the entire life of the loan. So the worse case scenario is that your interest rate would rise from 7% to 13%. But remember it can also fall as well.

I refer to these types of zero down mortgage as band-aid loans. It gets you into a house and at the end of the 2 or 3 year period you can refinance. Hopefully at this time you are now a conforming borrower and you will qualify for a fixed home loan at a lower interest rate.

The seller can typically pay 3% of the purchase price of the home towards closing costs with a conforming loan. With a sub-prime loan the seller can typically pay 6% of the purchase price towards closing costs.

VA Loan: The VA is 100% financing and has no mortgage insurance. Unfortunately you will need to be a veteran to qualify for this zero down mortgage.

The good thing is that this type of zero down mortgage is underwritten on a case by case basis. So even if you don’t have great credit or have other issues such as not having any credit at all, you still have a good chance of getting one of these loans.

Seller can pay all closing costs.

USDA Rural Housing: These 100% loans were once known as farm home loans. They offer zero down mortgage financing and are also underwritten on a case by case basis.

To qualify for one of these zero down mortgage you normally need good credit, but not always. All collections and charge off’s will need to be paid. The property can not be located anywhere the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) deems urban.

There are also income limitations with this program as well as certain criteria that the home must pass.

Seller can pay all closing costs.

Emerging Markets: This is another awesome zero down mortgage. This program is especially useful for home buyer’s who have limited or no credit at all. Through this program they allow you to build alternative credit through other bills such as an electric bill, phone bill, rent etc.

There are some income limitations to this loan depending on where the home is located. The income limitations are higher than those with the Rural Development Program.

Seller can pay up to 6% of sales price towards closing costs.

State or Local Financing: Some states also offer a zero down mortgage. These loans come and go depending on funding. They are definitely worth looking into.

For example Oregon has the Oregon Bond Loan.

The requirements for these types of loans will vary but they will be more strict than some of the other types of 100% financing that are available.

You might need to do some footwork for this type of zero down mortgage. You may be surprised to find that your loan officer has never heard about these programs. Because these loans are government sponsored you will need to call, write, or go down to your local government offices. Below are some other government agencies you can contact for special programs.

HUD/FHA 451 7th St. Washington, DC 20410

Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Ave. NW Washington, DC 202-752-7000

Freddie Mac 8200 Jones Beach Drive McLean, Virginia 22101

When you contact your local government agencies about the zero down mortgage. You should also ask about special purchase programs they may be offering as well. Many times government agencies will work with several of the local contractors to build affordable housing.

Basically the government gets a special rate from the contractors and then will subsidize the remaining amount to offer the homes at a much lower cost. For example a home may be worth $125,000 but the government will sell it for only $85,000 to those that qualify.

You can also contact you local building associations to find out about other special programs that they may be involved with. Just look in your phone book for state or local builder associations.

FHA Loan: The FHA loan is not actually a 100% financing loan. They do require at least a 3% down payment. You can use down payment assistance programs to cover the 3% plus your closing costs.

Most people are under the assumption that the government is the one loaning the money. In reality they are insuring the loan in case of a loss. So if you no longer made the payments and the house was foreclosed upon the government pays the lender off and takes the home.

This program allows lenders to loan money to people that would not normally qualify for a home loan. There are housing price limits as well as strict guidelines with this type of loan

About the author: Matthew Allen is a mortgage consultant with Action Brokerage Services, Inc. in Medford, Oregon. He is also the author of ""How To Buy A Home With Zero Down, Even With Damaged Or No Credit"". You can visit his website at

Understanding a UK Commercial Mortgage

Author: Commercial Lifeline

In many ways a commercial mortgage is just like a residential mortgage in that you pledge real property as collateral against a loan to either buy or refinance that property. You can also receive a commercial re-mortgage and use it as a line of credit for any business purpose. When you use a commercial mortgage to buy property, or to raise funds for any other business purpose, the lender retains an interest in that property until the loan has been paid in full. Unlike other types of business loans, which usually have a relatively short repayment period, you can take out a loan for as long as 30 years if you like.

The lender receives repayment of the commercial mortgage principal and interest over the lifetime of the loan. If you default on the loan and go into arrears then the lender can foreclose and take possession of the property which was used as collateral.

Generally speaking, the interest on a commercial mortgage is tax deductible and the net proceeds of the loan are not considered to be taxable income. However, you should always check with your accountant to be sure because the tax consequences can be severe should it be determined that your usage of the funds was not for a qualified business purpose.

Should you be seeking a commercial mortgage for the purposes of operating your business, rather than actually buying property, then the lender will either want to re-finance your current mortgage, and include enough money to provide the amount that you are seeking, or they may arrange an equity line where they lend you the difference between the current value of your commercial property and the amount that you owe on the current mortgage.

There are generally two types of interest schemes available when you are applying for a commercial mortgage.

The fixed rate commercial mortgage establishes an interest rate that is in place either for the life of the loan or for a fixed period of time. If it is for a fixed period of time then it will normally convert over to the second type of rate, which is called a variable interest rate, after the fixed time period expires.

In some cases your lender may add a Early Redemption Charge (ERC) clause to your commercial mortgage contract which states that if you pay off the note prior to the end of the fixed rate period then the lender is entitled to a one-time lump fee to offset their loss of expected income. In some cases this ERC may extend to longer periods possibly up to the entire term of the loan. Be very sure to read your loan contract carefully to make sure that you understand the implications of the ERC if it is present.

With competition from lenders heating up you'll find that many of them are dropping ERC clauses all together. If there is one present in your loan contract you may be able to negotiate it away with little effort. It's worth trying in any case and you can always apply somewhere else if your lender is not willing to negotiate.

In the case of a variable interest rate commercial mortgage the rate is based upon those issued by Bank of England. The lender will usually state that the rate consists of the published rate, which will likely vary up and down over the life of the loan, plus some pre-determined premium that remains the same for the life of the loan. Be sure that you understand how frequently your rate will change and that you are comfortable with the amount that the lender is charging as a premium. As with any terms of your loan you can negotiate both of these factors.

A fixed rate commercial mortgage is a good choice when you feel that interest rates are headed up sharply and you want to lock in the current rates. On the other hand, if interest rates are in flux, and economic indicators point to a down trend, then a variable rate may be your best choice.

Keep this strategy in mind during the lifetime of your commercial mortgage. If you are locked into a fixed rate, and interest rates have dropped significantly below what you are paying, you should consider applying for a remortgage and selecting a variable interest rate to take advantage of the lower rates. On the other hand, if you are in a variable, and all indicators are that interest rates will be skyrocketing soon, then look to move into a fixed rate so you can protect yourself against future increases.

About the author: Commercial Lifeline are

Commercial Mortgage and Bridging Finance specialists.

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Understanding the Importance of Mortgage Protection Life Insurance

Author: Claire Bowes

Your house is a big investment – probably one of the biggest you’re every likely to make. It is also the place that you and your loved ones call home; a shelter and haven from the outside world. That’s why it is so important to ensure that your home and family are protected in the event of your death. It’s not a topic that any of us like to dwell on, but the sad fact is that should you die and the family are no longer able to afford repayments on the house, they will lose the property and the roof from over their heads.

Having a good life insurance policy in place to protect your property in the event of your death is vital. When you die, your family will have enough to worry about without the added stress of how they are going to hold on to the family home. Your life insurance policy will ensure that this problem is eliminated, with the mortgage balance being paid in full upon your death.

The main types of mortgage life cover

The type of mortgage life insurance cover that you require will depend upon what type of mortgage you have, a repayment or an interest only mortgage. There are two main types of mortgage life insurance cover, which are:

* Decreasing Term Insurance * Level Term Insurance

Decreasing term insurance

This type of mortgage life insurance is designed for those with a repayment mortgage. With a repayment mortgage, the balance of the loan decreases over the term of the mortgage. Therefore, the sum of cover with a decreasing term insurance policy will also go down in line with the mortgage balance. So, the amount for which your life is insured should match the balance outstanding on your mortgage, which means that if you die your policy will hold sufficient funds to pay off the remainder of the mortgage and alleviate any additional worry to your family.

With the decreasing term insurance, the cover is usually taken out over the term of the mortgage, and payment is made should you die during the term of the policy. Once the policy has expired, it becomes null and void, so you will receive nothing at the end of your policy if you are still living. There is no surrender value on this type of cover, but it does provide a cost effective means of protecting your home and family during the life of your mortgage.

Level term insurance

This type of mortgage life insurance cover is for those that have a repayment mortgage, where the principle balance remains the same throughout the term of the mortgage and the repayments made by the property owner cover the interest payments on the mortgage only.

The sum for which the insured is covered remains the same throughout the term of this policy, and this is because the principle balance on the mortgage also remains the same. Therefore the sum assured is a fixed amount, which is paid should the insured party die within the term of the policy. As with decreasing term insurance, there is no surrender value, and should the policy end before the insured dies no payout will be awarded and the policy becomes null and void.

Terminal illness benefit

Both of the above types of cover normally include terminal illness cover, which means that the mortgage is cleared should you be diagnosed with a terminal illness rather than waiting until you actually die. This helps to ensure that you do not have the additional worry of trying to meet repayments when a terminal illness takes away your ability to work and earn money, and at a time when the whole family has enough to worry about without having to stress about meeting mortgage repayments.

Critical illness cover

Critical illness cover is another type of insurance policy that can be added on to either of the above mortgage life insurance polices and provides an extra element of protection and peace of mind. This type of cover can also be taken out as a stand-alone policy, but usually proves much better value if simply added on to a main insurance policy.

With critical illness cover you will be eligible for a payout in the event that you are diagnosed with a critical illness. If you then go on to recover from the critical illness, the payout is yours to keep but the policy becomes null and void following your claim. The illnesses that are covered by this type of policy are defined by the insurer so you should ensure that you check the terms when taking out critical illness cover.

Adding critical illness cover to your policy will only increase your repayments by a small amount, but can provide valuable protection if you are diagnosed as critically ill and are therefore unable to work. With your mortgage repaid from the payout of this policy, you will not have the additional worry of trying to keep a roof over your head at a time when you should be concentrating on trying to make a recovery.


As indicated by the features of the two main types of mortgage life insurance cover, the policy you go for will depend largely upon the type of mortgage you have. Both types of cover offer value for money, with some really low cost deals available. Of course, the amount that you pay will ultimately depend upon the level of cover you require. For total peace of mind it is always advisable to go for a policy with critical illness cover incorporated into it.

Having some form of mortgage life cover is essential to protect your home and your family. After working hard to buy your own property, the prospect of it being repossessed in the event of your death can be worrying both for you and for your family. A mortgage life cover policy will ensure that this does not happen, and will give your family the security of knowing that whatever happens they will still have a roof over their heads.

About the author: Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of Life Insurance Quotes where you will find further information on

Critical Illness Cover and

Mortgage Protection Cover

Mortgage Cycling - Brilliant or Risky

Author: George Burks

With mortgage rates hovering around 20-year lows, competition in the mortgage industry is fierce. It seems like every day a new mortgage loan strategy comes out that is suppose to be the best thing since sliced bread. Whether it's a mortgage with no closing costs or an interest only mortgage, everyone is claiming they can save you a ton of money. Now someone has come out with something called Mortgage Cycling. Mortgage Cycling could save you thousands of dollars or it could cost you your home.

Mortgage cycling is a program that advertises itself as a method to payoff your mortgage in 10 years or less without making biweekly mortgage payments or changing your current mortgage. Does mortgage cycling work as advertised? The answer is unequivocally yes – with a few caveats. I'm going to let you in on the secret to mortgage cycling.

Mortgage cycling is based on making huge lump sum principal payments every 6-10 months. What this means is mortgage cycling works well for those who have at least a few hundred dollars in extra cash at the end of each month. The problem is most people don't have that kind of cash available.

For most people, Mortgage Cycling relies on using a Home Equity Line of Credit to make huge lump sum payments against their original mortgage principal balance. When you take out a home equity line of credit, you pay for many of the same expenses as when you financed your original mortgage such as an application fee, title search, appraisal, attorney fees, and points. You also may find most loans have large one-time upfront fees, others have closing costs, and some have continuing costs, such as annual fees. Home Equity Line of Credit interest rates are also higher than a typical mortgage loan interest rate.

While Mortgage Cycling does have some additional costs for most people, that is not what makes this mortgage reduction strategy risky. If you use a Home Equity Line of Credit and money gets tight, you could lose your home. Home equity lines of credit require you to use your home as collateral for the loan. This may put your home at risk if you are late or cannot make your monthly payments. And if you sell your home, most lines of credit require you to pay off your credit line at that time.

Prepaying your mortgage is smart. You can save tens of thousands of dollars in mortgage interest. For most people, mortgage cycling is risky way to payoff a mortgage. Be sure and look at your all of your alternatives before choosing Mortgage Cycling as a mortgage reduction strategy.

Copyright 2004 My Big Fat Mortgage. You may freely reprint this information on your website provided the following caption remains intact.

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About the author: George Burks works with small business and homeowners to reduce mortgage interest expense via

Friday, May 26, 2006

Mortgage prepayment penalties - Just say no

Author: Jakob Jelling

One of the most common terms found in a new home loan is a prepayment penalty. This type of penalty says that if the borrower pays off the loan early, commonly during the first five years of the loan, then the borrower will be responsible for paying an additional amount of money, typically about six months interest on 80% of the mortgage balance. Sub-prime market loans will typically carry prepayment penalties more than standard mortgage loans.

You may plan on keeping the house for the entire duration of the prepayment penalty, and be tempted not to worry about it much. But sometimes life circumstances change, so it's wise to avoid any type of prepayment penalty if you can. A typical prepayment penalty might equal five months worth of monthly loan payments, so it's worth checking on. Of course, you should always ask (before you sign) if a new loan has a prepayment penalty. In fact, ask the lending officer to point out to you in the document where a prepayment penalty is discussed.

Most items in a loan are subject to negotiation. If you haven't signed loan papers yet, and you find that your loan has a prepayment penalty, you might offer to pay an additional closing point or so to see if it can be removed. The key at this stage is that if you agree to the prepayment penalty, you should try to find ways to reduce either the amount, the term, or both as much as possible.

If you already have a loan, you are bound by the terms of the document, unless you can negotiate them. There are perfectly legitimate reasons why you may want to pay off a note early - most often, due either to refinancing or selling the house. You may be able to contact your lender to see if they will waive the prepayment penalty if they are able to provide refinancing. If interest rates have dropped a lot, and you can't get out of the prepayment penalty, it may be worth rolling that amount into a new loan. And of course, try to get the new loan without a prepayment penalty.

About the author: Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest on personal finance, debt elimination, budgeting, credit cards and real estate.

How to Get a Mortgage if you're Self-Employed

Author: David Miles

A self-employed person is someone who runs their own business and works for themselves without an employer. Directors of small limited companies, although technically employed on a PAYE basis, will generally be classed as self employed when it comes to applying for a mortgage or remortgage.

If you are self-employed, work on a contract basis, or have an income that is irregular or comes from multiple sources, it will generally be harder for you to get a mortgage than it is for someone who is an employee and can easily prove their income.

With over three million self-employed individuals in the UK, the attitude of many mortgage lenders towards the self-employed population is a problem that can affect a large number of people, even though many self-employed people often earn more than a lot of salaried workers.

The problem stems from the fact that the majority of mainstream mortgage lenders require proof of income when assessing a mortgage or remortgage application. Employed people can use their payslips and P60 as proof of salary, but there is no such straightforward equivalent if you are self-employed.

In place of payslips, self-employed workers may be asked to provide audited accounts that show their income over the last three years. However, in many cases, these accounts will not give an accurate reflection of how much money a self-employed person is making. This is because if the accountant who prepared the accounts is doing his job properly, he will have offset as many allowable expenses as possible against tax. This has the effect of reducing the self-employed person's net profit, upon which the lender will base the size of mortgage or remortgage they are prepared to offer.

The situation is even worse for the newly self-employed, as they may not yet have been trading long enough to have had three years' worth of accounts prepared.

This is where mortgage lenders who specialise in self-certification mortgages and self-employed mortgages come into their own. These types of lenders appreciate the different and complex working patterns of the self-employed, contract workers, and people whose jobs are seasonal. They are prepared to look at each case individually and assess each mortgage application on its own merits, rather than just applying a series of one-size-fits-all income tests. In many cases, self-certification means that you do not need to supply any proof of income - you just declare what your income is without having to provide any supporting documentation.

In addition, specialist self-employed and self-certification lenders are more likely to offer

flexible mortgage products that allow overpayments and underpayments. This is ideal for people whose income can fluctuate throughout the year, as it means you can overpay when times are good and underpay if you're business is going through a quiet period.

If you want more information on self-certification mortgages for self-employed people, please visit Clean Slate Mortgages .


Copyright 2004 David Miles. You are welcome to reproduce this article on your website, so long as it is published ""as is"" (unedited) and with the author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. In addition, all links to external websites must be left in place.

About the author: David Miles is the editor of various mortgage related websites including: The Online Mortgage Calculator Clean Slate Mortgages and Essex Mortgages