Monday, August 06, 2007

Property Investments

Author: Roger Theron

Looking to buy property? Yes, a man must have land. Yes. Well property is a good investment, so they always say, but let's look at a couple of things to keep in mind when choosing your property. You can improve your chances of your investment blossoming into a wonderful asset by taking note of these simple things:

Location. Oh, it's so obvious isn't it? Well what makes a good location? Ideally you are looking for property in an area where people take pride in their homes, mowing their lawns and such. You also want to look out for vacant plots in the area zoned for commercial use. You don't want a spaza shop opening next door two years down the line.

Any schools in the area? Good schools? Schools are good, and the better the kids do in math class at the school, the better for your property value. See, maths is important.

Find out about the neighbourhood's crime rate. This seems obvious, but can easily be overlooked. Any information you can't get from the estate agency you should be able to find elsewhere. Go play spy and snoop around. This is going to be a big deal for you, a big expensive deal, so make sure of your choice.

Happy with the property? Okay, now check out the mortgage deal. Fixed or adjustable loan repayments? Well generally you should opt for fixed payments if there is a possibility of rates increasing in the future. Fixed rates may cost a little more right now, but you may be happy when rates soar and your payments remain stable.

Try, really try, to put down as high a percentage down payment as possible down on the deal. This can influence the interest rate, and save you a lot of money in the long run. Push for a 20% down payment.

Once you have moved into your new palace, take a look around and note all the things you want to change. That ugly fireplace. That absurd chandelier the estate agent kept harking on about. Although the temptation for an extreme makeover is immense, take a couple of months to plan and re-plan your strategy. Home improvements are expensive, and you need to be sure of what you want and what you need. Impulse buying can lead to regrets.

A final thought on location: Go for a good location, even if the house is not exactly pristine. Better an ugly house on a good block than a pretty house on an ugly block.

About the author: MensLifestyle is a site for men who are looking to live a lifestyle of health, wealth and adventure. The idea is to bring together the tips, tools and products that will help you make more money, live healthier and enjoy your life that much more.

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