Monday, March 27, 2006

Mortgage Broker/Loan Originators Look To Capitalize on Credit Restoration

Author: Robert Shawn

The majority of people that have ventured into the mortgage broker/loan origination field have been those who enjoy sales and have an entrepenuers heart. Within the walls of the mortgage world, there is a vast amount of money to be made.

If you look at the economy today, you can rest assured though, that mortgage brokering for a career is not for the faint of heart. Today we see interest rates climbing higher and higher, we see young college graduates swamped with debt by the time they turn their tassels, and we see the number of foreclosures rising faster than a Phoenix thermometer at noon in July. The outlook for our career could be a bleak one. This is especially true for the person that does not plan ahead.

Let's take a look ahead at what we see happening and what we could do to sidestep the rush of those unprepared brokers that ill be rushing fop the career exit.

1. We see interest rates rising. We understand with this rise it will be more difficult to persuade the A credit buyers to make a move. This will force subprime lenders to tighten the grip on the loan requirements for the poor credit borrower. Lenders that created low credit/high risk loans will be on the hot seat to tighten ship.

2. We see the rate people are entering foreclosure rising. We understand many of the investors, if they do decide to buy, will go after the reo properties and the majority of the brokers are not connected inside enough to handle these deals with any regularity.

3. We see poor fico scores becoming more evident. We understand that this will cause an even wider gap between the ""have's"" and ""have nots"" We also understand that this will tighten the indusrty even father.

These three factors could cause premature graying for the mortgage broker that got into the business and rode the high tide but never learned to think on their feet. It is at a time like this, you have to find a way to make every move count. If this career was a game, then you were playing hopscotch for the last few years...Now it's time to learn to play chess!

You need to begin to ask yourself this question. If I relied totally on the good times and A credit buyers, what can I do now that will make the good times last?

In the next installment, we will look at networking and marketing trends and how to capitalize in a big way on a small budget.

For More Information visit Credit Restoration or

About the author: Robert Shawn is a writer for a number of Informational Directories.

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